CNIPA Deputy Commissioner Meets AIPPI President in Beijing

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Lu Pengqi, Deputy Commissioner of the China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA) recently met Shoichi Okuyama, President of the International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (AIPPI) in Beijing.

Lu Pengqi, Deputy Commissioner of the China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA) recently met Shoichi Okuyama, President of the International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (AIPPI) in Beijing.
Lu said that the Chinese government has always attached great importance to IP work. The plan on reforming the institutions of the State Council this year has implemented major deployment on administration system for IPRs by adjusting the CNIPA into an institution directly under the State Council to upgrade IPR creation, utilization, protection, management and service in all aspects. Lu pointed out that the AIPPI, as an important non-governmental global organization specialized in the IPR field, has been playing an instrumental role in improving IPR system and enhancing IPR protection. The CNIPA is looking forward to further strengthening the established friendly cooperation of the two sides in the future.
Okuyama introduced the preparatory work for both the 2023 AIPPI World Congress in Istanbul, Turkey and the 2024 Congress in Hangzhou, China.
The two sides also shared comments and ideas on the work of AIPPI's standing committees, bilateral cooperation and other issues. CNIPA principal officials responsible for the International Cooperation Department also attended the meeting.

Updated: Jul 11,2023