15th BRICS Heads of Intellectual Property Offices Meeting Held Via Video Conference

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The 15th BRICS Heads of Intellectual Property Offices Meeting was held via video conference recently. Rory Voller, Commissioner of the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC) of South Africa hosted the meeting attended by Shen Changyu, Commissioner of the China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA)

The 15th BRICS Heads of Intellectual Property Offices Meeting was held via video conference recently. Rory Voller, Commissioner of the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC) of South Africa hosted the meeting attended by Shen Changyu, Commissioner of the China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA), Júlio Moreira, President of the National Institute of Intellectual Property (INPI) of Brazil, Yury Zubov, Head of the Federal Service for Intellectual Property (Rospatent) of Russia and Unnat P. Pandit, Controller General of Office of the Controller General of Patents, Designs and Trademarks (CGPDTM). CNIPA Deputy Commissioner Lu Pengqi was also in attendance.
Shen said that BRICS leaders issued the Johannesburg II Declaration at the 15th BRICS Summit this August and agreed to "enhance dialogue and cooperation on intellectual property rights, and welcome the alignment of the BRICS IPR cooperation mechanism (IPRCM) workplan to the Sustainable Development Goals", which has provided strategic guidance to the future IP cooperation between BRICS countries. During the past 10 years since the establishment of the IPRCM, BRICS countries have carried out multiple practical cooperation projects and achieved fruitful results. The BRICS IP offices should actively implement the spirit of the Declaration, keeping contributing the "BRICS power" to the construction of the global IP ecosystem.
At the meeting, the BRICS IP offices exchanged ideas on the latest progress and future direction of various projects under the cooperation framework, approved multiple fruits and proposals including adding BRICS information technology workshop into the cooperation framework and identifying the future cooperation plans for trademark and design.
CNIPA principal officials responsible for relevant departments also attended the meeting.
Updated: Nov 06,2023