Three IP Cooperation Deliverables Inscribed on List of Multilateral Cooperation Deliverables of the Third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation News

Three IP Cooperation Deliverables Inscribed on List of Multilateral Cooperation Deliverables of the Third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation

The List of Multilateral Cooperation Deliverables of the Third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation was officially published recently with the inclusion of three IP items.
CNIPA and SAIP Extend PPH Pilot Program News

CNIPA and SAIP Extend PPH Pilot Program

The China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA) and the Saudi Authority for Intellectual Property (SAIP) have jointly decided to extend their Patent Prosecution Highway (PPH) pilot program for an infinite period of time from November 1, 2023.
15th BRICS Heads of Intellectual Property Offices Meeting Held Via Video Conference News

15th BRICS Heads of Intellectual Property Offices Meeting Held Via Video Conference

The 15th BRICS Heads of Intellectual Property Offices Meeting was held via video conference recently. Rory Voller, Commissioner of the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC) of South Africa hosted the meeting attended by Shen Changyu, Commissioner of the China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA)
CNIPA and JPO Extend PPH Pilot Program News

CNIPA and JPO Extend PPH Pilot Program

The China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA) and the Japan Patent Office (JPO) have jointly decided to extend their Patent Prosecution Highway (PPH) pilot program for another five years from November 1, 2023 to October 31, 2028.
Shen Changyu Meets INPI President Julio Moreira News

Shen Changyu Meets INPI President Julio Moreira

Shen Changyu, Commissioner of the China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA) met Julio Moreira, President of the Brazilian National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI) in Beijing on October 11.